This salsa goes best with tacos. The oregano gives the salsa a unique taste that is sure to have everyone asking for more.
4 tomatoes
1/2 Chile Serrano, grated
1/2 Onion
A pinch of Sea Salt
A pinch of Oregano
Juice of 1 Lemon (or Lime)
1. Dice up the tomatoes and onions. Mix together in a bowl

2. Add a pinch of oregano and a pinch of sea salt.

3. Squeeze juice of 1 lemon (or more depending on how you like your salsa to taste).
4. Using a cheese grader, grate the chile serrano into the bowl. Be careful though. This releases the oils of the chile, making it spicier than if you had chopped it.
5. Mix together and let sit for 30 minutes so that the flavors have time to marinate.
6. Serve